Pro Loco Colle Umberto

Pro Loco Colle Umberto

Pro Loco Colle Umberto - Consorzio Prealpi

Pro Loco Colle Umberto is a free association founded on volunteering which plays non-profit activities of basic tourism promotion and civic sociality.

The Association carries out its activity in the Municipality of Colle Umberto (TV). The Pro Loco is part of U.N.P.L.I. (National Union Pro Loco of Italy), the Regional Committee of the Pro Loco of Veneto and the Treviso Provincial Committee in the respect of the Statute and U.N.P.L.I. regulations and, for what they don’t explicitly established, in respect of the Civil Code.

The Directive Council of Pro Loco Colle Umberto

  • President: